
Welcome to CrownRewards


Redeem Your Loyalty

Earn points at Partner Boutique in-store purchase and redeem for exclusive discounts and products. Enjoy special bonuses and tiered benefits as you shop.
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Join the RayHands Family: Earn Points and Rewards!

With the RayHands Loyalty Program, every visit brings you closer to exclusive rewards and discounts. Earn points with every service or purchase, and enjoy perks designed with our community in mind.
Expiry Date

Redeem Your Loyalty

Earn points on every in-store purchase and redeem for exclusive discounts and products. Enjoy special bonuses and tiered benefits as you shop.
Expiry Date

How It Works

Get Started Today: Sign up at any partner location or by scanning a QR code.

Earn Points: Accumulate points with every purchase at our partner stores.

Redeem Rewards: Use your points to claim exciting offers and exclusive benefits.

Enjoy: Experience personalized shopping like never before.


Why Choose Us?

Tailored Rewards: Offers that align with your preferences for a truly personalized experience.

Wide Network: Enjoy earning and redeeming points at various locations and industries.

Advanced Security: Protecting your privacy with the latest technology.

Community Engagement: Join a community where loyalty is valued and celebrated.


For Our Partners

Maximize Loyalty: Offer personalized rewards and gain valuable customer insights.

Easy Integration: Seamlessly incorporate CrownRewards into your existing systems.

Dedicated Support: Our team is here to help you optimize your loyalty program.


Elevate Your Experience Today

Do not wait. Join CrownRewards now and transform your shopping into an extraordinary journey. Start earning rewards, accessing exclusive benefits, and being part of a community that values your loyalty. Sign up now to unlock a world of personalized rewards and special offers.