Log into your account on our website or app to find your loyalty cards with unique QR codes.
Present your loyalty card from your phone during purchases. The staff will scan the QR code to add points to your account.
Open the reward, tap 'Claim Reward', and show the QR code to the staff. Points will be deducted, and you will receive your reward.
No, staff will only see your name and membership code. Your email and other details remain private.
Business owners can see your email and name if you've allowed them to send offers. Other personal details remain private.
Log into your account on our website or app to view your points balance on your loyalty card.
No, points are non-transferable and can only be redeemed by the account holder.
Log into your account on our website or app to retrieve your card. Contact support if issues persist.
Yes, points do expire. Check your loyalty card terms for expiration policies.
Log into your account, go to 'Profile', make changes, and save updates.
Earn points on purchases, enjoy exclusive rewards, and receive special offers tailored to your interests.
Yes, use My CrownRewards at all participating locations.
Your privacy and security are our priorities, with advanced measures in place to protect your data.
Visit our [membership page](https://locticians.com/digital-products/my-crownrewards-membership/crownthrive-llc/membership) and complete the registration.
You can see customers' email addresses, names, and if they've opted for special offers.
Use the partner portal to set up and customize loyalty cards.
Track all points and rewards through detailed reports in the partner portal.
Yes, API integrations are available for custom cases, possibly incurring charges. Contact support for assistance.
Access email campaigns, promotional offers, and analytics through the partner portal.
Email us at rewards@mycrownrewards.com or visit our Help Center.
Enhance customer loyalty, access detailed analytics, and get support from our dedicated team.
Engage customers with personalized offers, use analytics to understand behavior, and update your offerings regularly.
Staff should first contact the membership owner for guidance. If further help is needed, our support team is available.
Visit the staff portal and enter your credentials.
Use the scanner in the staff portal or app to scan the customer's QR code.
You can see the customer's name and membership code only, ensuring their privacy.
Scan the customer's QR code to verify and issue the reward. The system will deduct the points automatically.
Log into the staff portal and search for the customer using their membership code to view their points balance.
Report any issues to the membership owner first. If the problem persists, contact our support team for assistance.
Easily manage customer interactions, issue rewards, and track points, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Yes, we value your feedback. Please send your suggestions or concerns to rewards@mycrownrewards.com.
Regularly check the Help Center for updates and new features.
Refer customers to the membership owner for detailed inquiries. If needed, escalate to our support team.